Friday, October 2, 2020

EMF Equation of DC Machine


EMF Equation of DC Machine

The DC machine e.m.f can be defined as when the armature in the dc machine rotates, the voltage can be generated within the coils. In a generator, the e.m.f of rotation can be called the generated emf, and Er=Eg. In the motor, the emf of rotation can be called as counter or back emf, and Er=Eb.

Let Φ is the useful flux for every pole within webers
P is the total number of poles
z is the total number of conductors within the armature
n is the rotation speed for an armature in the revolution for each second
A is the no. of parallel lane throughout the armature among the opposite polarity brushes.
Z/A is the no. of armature conductor within series for each parallel lane
As the flux for each pole is ‘Φ’, every conductor slashes a flux ‘PΦ’ within a single revolution.

The voltage produced for each conductor = flux slash for each revolution in WB / Time taken for a single revolution within seconds

As ‘n’ revolutions are completed within a single second and 1 revolution will be completed within a 1/n second. Thus the time for a single armature revolution is a 1/n sec.

The standard value of produced voltage for each conductor

p Φ/1/n = np Φ volts

The voltage produced (E) can be decided with the no.of armature conductors within series I any single lane among the brushes thus, the whole voltage produced

E = standard voltage for each conductor x no. of conductors within series for each lane

E = n.P.Φ x Z/A

The above equation is the e.m.f. the equation of the DC machine.

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